Wednesday, May 28, 2008

May 28-Elizabeth City NC mm52

The weatherman is predicting light rain with winds picking up and switching to the NE later this afternoon. Libations and Silver Foxes depart the Alligator River Marina shortly before 7am. Our trip will take us a short way up the Alligator River and through a marked entrance into Albermarle Sound and then some 7 miles up the Pasquotank River to Elizabeth City. Two boats went aground at this point yesterday but we had no problems-just stayed in the middle of the marked channel where we never saw less than 12' of water. The Albermarle Sound is wide open and shallow just like the Pamlico Sound. The weather looks threatening ahead of us on the Sound and our radar confirms showers ahead. Not long after we start crossing the sound the wind is on our beam from the southwest and we are rolling to and fro in the 1-2' waves. Within the blink of an eye the wind switches to the north and then northeast and picks up in intensity. The good news is the waves are now hitting us on our bow which is much more comfortable but the bad news is that it is starting to rain, the temperature drops about 15 degrees and we again think we are in Lake Erie with 3-5' waves. To add insult to injury, before the day is out we are wearing long pants and donning sweatshirts Every now and then we hit a big one and our Flybridge gets a good splashing. Judy says "this is not fun". The rain showers, wind and waves persist for the entire two hour crossing across the Sound. As we approach the Pasquotank River the rain quits, the waves die down due to the protection of the land but the wind keeps blowing briskly. There are free docks provided by Elizabeth City but they are full, so the Mayor gives us permission to dock in the "no docking area". I must digress a bit. Back when we left the Alligator River we had to make a decision. Turn NE and take the Virginia Cut route to the Chesapeake Bay or go north and go through the Dismal Swamp and end up in the same place. The Dismal Swamp is shallow (6') but very naturistic. Some times it is closed due to low water but this Spring there has been enough rain to allow boats to pass through. Our decision is to take the Dismal Swamp route via Elizabeth City NC, take our time and see what nature has to offer and enlighten us. No pictures today-it is too ugly-the above picture is of the Alligator River swing bridge that opened for us a few days ago.

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