Saturday, November 8, 2008

November 8 Mile Hammock Bay Anchorage mm 245

The damaged strut is shown to the right of the propeller. Allan the mechanic was on the scene at 8 am this morning to make the final on board engine alignment adjustments with the propeller shaft. After that task was accomplished we set off on a sea trial to make sure all was okay. Silver Foxes and the Yanmars and the running gear purred like a kitten. So Our Time and Silver Foxes were ready to move on down the ICW after nearly a weeks delay. The trip through Camp Le June on the ICW left us with no bullets being fired over the bow!--no military exercises today. Very windy today. Wind blowing 25-30 knots as we arrived at the anchorage. Our initial try at setting the anchor saw us drifting very fast past all the other boats at anchor-the third try in another location at the anchorage was successful. Tuna on the Jenn Air tonight was very tasty. This is a large anchorage and there is probably 15 sailboats here and 4 trawlers like us. Lots of Canadian sailboats.


Anonymous said...

Glad you are back under way. Frank, Patty and I were on the Bay sailing yesterday. We had a great time. Frank is envious of you and talks of nothing but when the day will come (finally) when he can sail as you are cruising. He is putting his plan together. Just have to get that stock market to recover first... Have a great time. Sharon Jackson

Anonymous said...

Hey Judy! Sounds like you guys are getting back into the swing of things. I hope John got the banner from the Decatur Rotary Club. We sent it the day after your e-mail so he should have gotten it probably before you left. Tell Jim not to complain about the weather...Maybe windy, but at least it sounds like the you've got good temps. Our run has come to an end as it's in the 20's at night and 40's during the day. We even had flurries Sunday! Have a great time and keep blogging! Barb