Saturday, November 8, 2008

October 23-25 Deltaville Va to Portsmouth Va

Too gloomy for pictures so a summertime picture. Judy with grandchildren Elizabeth and Emily-Brian & Amy's children. Today Thursday was very windy on The Chesapeake so we stayed in port waiting a better day to make the 45 mile trek down the Bay to Portsmouth Va. Friday we arose to a predicted 10-15 knot wind from the east. Although not ideal it was time to move on. The east wind gave us a beam sea on the Chesapeake and a rolly ride. About 10 miles into the journey I checked on the dinghy and the arm holding the dinghy had snapped. It was flailing about as we moved to and fro with the waves. I donned my life jacket, Judy slowed the boat to idle and I tied the arm and raised the dinghy a little to keep it from becoming submerged as we moved forward. We arrived in Portsmouth in late afternoon. Took on 125 gals of diesel at $2.80 a gallon- have not seen that price in a long time. Very high winds predicted for Friday so we took the Ferry across the River to Norfolk and went to the mall. Ecerthing about Norfolk is Navy and shipping. Everywhere you look a Warship is being worked on. Right across the River from our Marina they are reapairing a navy ship and they work 24/7.

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