Pete's Pub with its youthful patrons
Talent night
View from Nippers
Nipper's on Sunday
Nippers Bar which sits on a hill overlooking the Atlantic Ocean is a favorite party place on Sunday Afternoon. When it is sunny and warm as it was on this Sunday afternoon, people come from all the adjacent islands to partake in the party. I must digress a little. On Saturday night we visited all three of the bars on the island--Nippers, Grabbers and the Coconut Beach Bar. There is a house on Marsh Harbor that looks distinctly like a Castle which was built by a Doctor on the Island in the 50's and I am reading the book Castle in the Air which was written by Dr. Cottman and published by his daughter Gayle. Everybody is friendly on the islands and I soon learned that our bar friend at the next table was Gayle Cottman so I got a little further insight into the building of the house.
Communications can sometimes be a problem here in the Bahamas, especially if you are out and about on the boat. Cell phone service for all but the locals is non existent. Anyway Judy heard over the VHF Radio that an emergency message was waiting for Our Time. When John retrieved the emergency message it was for Mike and Janice, his guests on Our Time. After calling home, Mike learned that his brother had died suddenly while shoveling snow. Our day ended on a sad note and Mike and Janice flew home on Monday, a day before their scheduled departure.
On Monday Augustine, the local canvas maker, brought our top back after he made the final adjustments. It fits very nicely but it was long drawn out process. Everything takes time here so you must be patient.
Sherrie from ChipkaFire is temporarily husband less and John from our time is temporarily wifeless so we had them over for dinner on Tuesday night.
Wednesday night, Judy and I went to Mangoes for Italian night and then on Thursday it was off to the resort restaurant for local talent night. Very good- we stayed and closed the place at the ungodly boatly hour of 10pm.
Gail along with their daughter Lisa, husband Duane and children Madison and Carter arrived on Wednesday. On Friday we took a trip about 15 miles south to Little Harbor where Pete's Pub is located. It is just a hut-no floors or doors-just a sand floor-only place I know where you need to make a reservation to eat on a picnic table in the sand. Madison and Carter are pictured with Judy at the bar!
The next day we dinghied back into some backwater to look at a blue hole--A place where the water drops from 4' to unknown depths and ends in a cavern onshore. There is a monument here where several people lost their lives exploring the underground waters.
From here both boats left for Tahiti beach which is not far from our marina but to get there you must pass an area that is exposed to the Ocean waves. For those that are not used to the rolling of the waves it can be a little disconcerting making some people see 'green'. Unfortunately some of the occupants on our companion boat got this disease so they headed back to port. Judy and I anchored at Tahiti Beach and spent the evening sitting on the deck watching the emerald gin clear water and indulging in a beautiful sunset.
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