Sunday, February 8, 2009

January 14-20 2009 Marsh Harbour Bahamas

This week was spent doing odd jobs on the boat and working on the year end financials for the store.  Saturday night is steak night at the Jib Room restaurant which is nearby.  1 lb steaks cooked to perfection.  About thirty of us from the dock went.  It is about a mile away.  Some walked, some rode bikes, and some took a taxi.  The limbo man, and singing and dancing, takes place after the meal.  Judy is shown dancing with the Dancing "Queen".  
Many things around are named Curly Tails.  They get their name from the curly tail lizards that are abundant on the island.  Coconuts are also abundant here.  The resort has gone on a palm tree and coconut trimming expedition . Coconuts can be a hazard when they ripen and fall. Hence hundreds of coconuts were being thrown away.  The locals drain the coconut of its watery milky substance (they like it, I don't).  Anyway John T found some that he could put to good use as a drink container.  He filled them with a special rum concoction called coco loco.  Be careful you may go loco!               

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