The Pirates ball is coming in March. Gail has made a bunch of pirates costumes for her crew as well as being so kind as to make one for Judy and me. Judy has been gently reminding me that I need to try the costume on, so here it is. Judy will have red hair with her costume and she has not let me see it. I have boots and bling to round out the authentic apparel.
Our next trip was to Tahiti Beach on our boat. It is not quite as exotic as it sounds but it is a beautiful strip of sand that extends into the Sea of Abaco from Elbow Cay and not far from Lubbers Quarters, another beautiful island and the home of one of my favorite places Craacker P's bar and restaurant. John & Gail joined us for our leisurely trip of 4 miles over to Tahiti Beach where we anchored. You can follow the anchor chain in the water on the bottom to the anchor. The dinghy ride over to Cracker P's is about a mile away. The water was quite choppy, showing some whitecaps. The girls were so kind as to sit in the front of the dinghy but their kindness resulted in being soaked by arrival time. A great wahoo sandwich freshly caught was worth the wet ride. A spectacular view of the Sea and the great weather was voted a tie with the sandwich. The Sea calmed down on the dinghy ride back to the boat and all were dry. We arrived back at the marina just before sunset.
John and I take a bike ride on our foldies every morning. There are a few steep hills in Marsh Harbour. They challenge our legs and our endurance on our 20" foldies. Most of the places we need to go have no hills but we challenge ourselves with those hills on the side roads. Sometimes even more challenging is finding what we want at the hardware store. There are three rather large hardware stores in town but often they don't have what we need. It is frustrating because at home a one stop shop at the Decatur True Value would procure what we need in very short order.
1 comment:
Nice outfit Grandpa
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